Counselor, Astrologer & Radical Storyteller

I practice the art of holding sacred space and truly witnessing other people. By doing this, their most valuable insights, gifts and creative realizations can emerge.

When we are not judged or criticized, but instead encouraged to hold the complexity of our lives without making anything right or wrong, we can make guided and grounded decisions that create meaningful lives.

Dive Into Work With Jen

  • Individual Counseling

    I work with women who are seeking to claim their power, voice and autonomy in their lives. I help women let go of people pleasing, perfectionism, “being nice” and living without boundaries. I foster safe space for women to discover their true needs and wants without apologizing.

  • Astrology Readings

    I offer astrology readings to couples and individuals to help them explore the natural gifts of their charts and to help them navigate innate challenges with insight and awareness. I have been studying and practicing astrology since 2010 and use it in my every day life.

  • Couples Counseling

    I help couples find creative solutions to seemingly impossible problems. I guide coupes in navigating the needs of both people in the relatonship so that together, we find ways for both people to get what they want. I specialize in working with queer couples and couples who live outside of traditional, cultural structures.

“Through sessions with Jen, my life has changed.”

-Megan Wilde

“Jen has created the space for me to explore my relationship with myself in deeper, more expansive and freeing ways than I thought was possible.”

-Allie Armitage

“I absolutely adore the opportunity to do Astrology Sessions with Jen.”

-Jessie Baca

"I had the privilege of working with Jen, whose unwavering dedication and empathetic approach significantly impacted my personal growth and well-being.”

-Samantha Urisote

Order the Astrological Yearly Planner

What if you could plan your year based on the rhythms of the Sun around your astrological chart? Instead of general astrological advice that does not pertain to your individual expereince, I want you to be able to grab your chart and understand the astrological seasons and cycles of your life. THIS is how we need to be planning our lives. This is how we need to start to use astrology in forming the structure of our year.

I have created a 54-page PDF yearly planner for you that walks you through how to understand the journey of the Sun through your chart so you can plan your year accordingly.